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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Interagency Council Meeting Minutes 9/11/14

Chair Allison Reynolds started by welcoming all attendees to the first Interagency Meeting of the season. 
First order of business was deciding where to have October's meeting, as the room at Warren County's Human Services building is not available. After short discussion, it was decided that our next meeting will be held at the Queensbury Senior Center.
Information was passed out to attendees about how to access meeting minutes on the blog:

 To get the minutes from meetings and updates of events coming up:
1) Please go to www.adk-interagency.blogspot.com
2) Please enter the email you would like the minutes to go to in the box given.
3) You will receive an email from Google asking you to fill in a security code and go to the link provided.
4) Please fill in the code and go to the link or it will NOT sign you up to receive the minutes via email.
5) Any questions, please call Maria Geizer at 518-580-1042.

Ally read our mission statement and mentioned that we are welcoming of new members, both from non-profit and for-profit groups.

A tentative schedule has been set for the upcoming year's meeting schedule. Not quite full yet, once it is, it will be posted on this blog!

Membership dues for this year are now due. The amount is $10 for the year. Treasurer Sue Gillingham sent around dues forms, and she will post them on the blog for all to access.
Have A Heart Scholarship – We are looking for volunteers for that committee. This is a small, annual scholarship that is awarded to a deserving non-profit to fund a project within that agency, for which they would not otherwise have the funds. The scholarship application will be posted on this blog for access. The due date for the app is the Interagency November meeting, 9/13/14. Please see Sue Gillingham if you are interested in participating on this committee.
Treasurer’s Report – Currently we have $2389.28 in our account.  This money is used for Community Connections Day and the Have A Heart Scholarship.

Members introduced themselves and made Agency Announcements:
High Peaks Hospice: raffling of trip to St. Maartin’s and also having a golf tournament fundraiser The 6th Annual Claire Sweet Memorial Golf Tournament in Lake George. For information about either of these please go to http://www.highpeakshospice.org/news-events/upcoming-events. High Peaks is also continuing their volunteer recruitment, and offering free trainings at the Glens Falls Cancer Center Library. To learn more, contact Elaine Gibb, Volunteer Coordinator, at 743-1672.
SAIL: The latest fundraising event for SAIL is being held on October 24th at The Hiland in Queensbury. Tickets are $50 each. They are also raffling off an IPad Mini!
SAIL also has a new logo which they are starting to use!

AIDS Council – Changing its name to The Alliance for Positive Health.
NY Connects – in conjunction with High Peaks Hospice, will be starting a informal caregiver support group the first week of October.
Family Services Association of Glens Falls – Hold their Meet the Medium night again, with Georgia O’Connor on November 8th 2014 at the Wood Theater. Tickets are $30 and are already selling, with a good chance they will sell out!
National Grid: Will have more info for us at the next meeting regarding HEAP. Joanne mentioned VET HELP (Veterans Housing, Employment and Life Skills Programs) as being a wonderful organization for veterans needing financial assistance and services.
Cornell Cooperative Extension – Has a new email – warren.cce@cornell.edu. Also has a new Ag Exchange, which is like a Craigslist for local farmers. For more info, go to http://agexchange.cce.cornell.edu/.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks – Having their annual golf tournament on September 13th in Stony Creek. They are also, holding a Country Western Night featuring the Vintage Country Band on October 3rd from 7-10, at the St. George Orthodox Church in South Glens Falls. Tickets are $15.
Ally mentioned that there is a grant writing workshop being held in Albany on 10/9 from 9a – 4p at the Wildwood School. Cost is $125 per person. For more information, please call 581-8841 or visit www.nonprofitworks.com.
Prevention Council – September is Suicide Prevention and Recovery Month. They will be holding a FREE showing of the documentary The Anonymous People at Crandall Library on 9/17/14 from 6p-8p.
Ally has also received a grant to begin a suicide prevention coalition for Warren and Washington Counties. This region is in the top 20 for highest rates in NYS for suicide. The first meeting of this coalition will be held on September 30th from 10a-12p at the Prevention Council.
GT Mobility LLC, MV-1 of Upstate New York – Matt Brown attended the meeting for the first time and presented some information on his business in Greenwich, which specializes in wheelchair accessible vehicles, lifts, ramps, hand controls, transfer seats, wheelchair carriers and any equipment needed to maintain one’s independence. For more information, please go to www.mv1ofupstatenewyork.com or call Matt Brown, Mobility Specialist at 692-2241.
Some discussion was had about nominating Code Blue for a Have a Heart Scholarship, but we are unsure of what they may need. Ally will call Kim Cook about possibly attending our next meeting to give us more information and let us know what they are looking for in terms of supplies and funds.
Community Connections Day – As we look toward planning another event, Ally would like us to think about the following questions, and be prepared for some discussion at our next meeting:
Do we want to keep Community Connections Day in the spring, or do we want to look at doing it in the fall?
Do we want to continue to partner with the Rotary or look for another event/organization to pair with?
 Finally, Crandall Park is not easily accessible for seniors or folks with mobility issues. Should we look for another place to hold it?
Next Meeting – 10/9 at 830am at the Queensbury Senior Center.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Season of Interagency Council

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to give a reminder that our first meeting will be held on Thursday September 11th.
From 8:30am-10:00am at the Warren County Human Services Building 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845.  The meeting is being held in the first floor conference room with the kitchen.
Hope you all can attend.
All meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month From 8:30am-10am
Please feel free to invite new people.