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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Community Fair Day

We're half way through summer, hope you've been enjoying it!  That also means we're only two months away from our Community Fair on September 19.  If you are interested in having a table at this event please fill out the form and send your money as soon as possible.  While we will accommodate as many agencies is possible, the space is limited.
Also, please invite everyone you know to the event.  It will run from 10:00am to 1:00pm.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Interagency Meeting Minutes from 6/11/15

Interagency Meeting Minutes 6/11/15

The Health Fair, to be held on 9/19/15 from 10-1pm at the Queensbury Senior Center, is now taking applications for attendees. If you were NOT at this meeting and did not receive an appolication, please contact Nick George at the Senior Center.

There are still open slots available for vendors/agencies at the Washington County Fair, being held 8/24-8/30. It is stressed that vendors bring not only brochures and marketing materials, but EDUCATIONAL materials to share with folks, as we are using a non-profit space at the fair.

The Next Suicide Prevention Coalition meeting will be held on 6/30/15 at the Council for Prevention in Hudson Falls, at 10am.

Today's Presenter: VNA Homecare and VNA Homecare Options. VNA Homecare Options is a managed long term care (MLTC) Medicaid plan that provides care for people who wish to remain in their homes.  They cover a broad scope of services, including home and community-based care.  They will work with you to design an individualized plan of care and services to keep you at home safely.  And, They will work with you and your physician to coordinate your in-home care.
VNA will guide you through the first steps, and help you determine what types of home care services will best benefit you, and will design a care plan to meet all of your needs and help you stay safely at home. VNA has been involved in managed care since 2012, and also partners with other licensed homecare agencies to train their staff in providing care to patients via VNA standards.

In this area, VNA Homecare Options is located in the following counties: Albany, Cayuga, Fulton, Jefferson, Madison, Montgomery, Onondaga, Oswego, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady.

When using VNA Homecare Options, a patient may still keep their primary care physician as long as he/she is able to work with VNA Homecare Options. And there are many area providers who do, to ensure that patients continue getting needed care.

For more information on VNA HomeCare Options, please call 518-925-1552 for the Capital Region or go to www.vnahomecareoptions.org.

Have a terrific Summer!! We will resume meeting in September 2015.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Riverfest and Glens Falls Rotary Water Walk

It's not too late to be a part of this year's Riverfest and Water Walk.  There is plenty of space for your table and information - just show up Saturday - the Rotary club will find a good space for you.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Interagency Meeting Minutes 5/14/15

Interagency Meeting Notes – 5/14/15

Sign-up Sheet – for the Queensbury Senior Center Health Fair in the fall was sent around for interested parties. The Health Fair will be held this year on Saturday 9/19 from 10am -1pm at the Senior Center.

The next Washington Warren Hamilton Counties Long Term Care Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 6/17/15, from 10am-12pm, at Hamilton County Public Health, located in Indian Lake.

Hi Peaks Hospice and Palliative Care is finalizing the Rainbows Program, a grief program for kids that will take place over the summer. They will get us more information as it becomes available.

Today's topic and presenter - Allison Reynolds of the Council for Prevention and the Warren Washington Suicide Prevention Coalition. Allie presented on the Coalition's mission and projects. The Coalition was made possible by a grant funded by The Mental Health Association of New York State.

The mission of the Coalition: 

- Provide trainings in suicide prevention and awareness
- Provide resources to families, communities and schools
- Work to increase awareness and reduce the stigma of getting help.
- Strive to strengthen communicationand coordiantion of servicesfor those impacted by mental illness and suicide,

Suicied is the 10th leading cause of death for all Americans, and new studies show that middle aged men and women are taking their lives at a higher rate than youth. and locally, suicide deaths have increased since 2010.

What is notable for our region is that suicide rates in Warren and Washington County actually DOUBLE the state rate.

The New York State age-adjusted suicide death rate is 6.8 per 100,000. In Warren County, this rate is 12 per 100,000. In Washington County, it is 13 (source is NYS Vital Statistics Data 2008-2010).

The Coalition has many projects being accomplished, such as trainings for professionals and community members on mental health first aid and responding/recognizing suicidal talk in others. The Coalition is also working with The Coalition for the Advancement of Mental Health, The Long Term Care Council and the Hometowm vs. Heroin Coalition.

The Coalitions Goals:

-Continue to hold trainings and awareness events
-Engage more stakeholders in the community
-Continue to provide postvention in the community
-Compassionate Calling
-Primary Care Assessment and intervention

If you have any questions about the Coalition or would like to become involved, please contact Allison Reynolds at the Coucil for Prevention at 746-1527.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Warren Washington CARE Center Events (April is Child Abuse Prevention Month)

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, so on behalf of the Warren Washington CARE Center I would like to invite you to:


An Open House: This Thursday April 16th from 6-8pm.  The CARE Center is located at 24 Dix Avenue, Glens Falls.  There will be wine and hors d’ oeuvres.  You can tour the center and meet members of the Multidisciplinary Teams from Warren and Washington Counties who work together to provide services and prevent further trauma to child victims of physical and sexual abuse and their non-offending family members.  We are very proud of the CARE Center and its child friendly, safe, and confidential atmosphere, so we hope you will come see if for yourself this Thursday evening. 


“Children Are Our Future” Brunch: Saturday May 2nd from 11-3pm at the Tower Event Center, 9th Floor 333 Glen Street, Glens Falls.  It will be a full brunch, cash bar, free beer tasting with Hops & Barley, music, silent auction, and an activity for the kids.  $35/Adult $15/Child  RSVP to Kassia May at 792-2731 or kassiamcc@yahoo.com no later than Wednesday April 22nd.  We hope to see you there and appreciate your support.

Hunger Event Changes Time and Venue

The Public is invited to a discussion on


in the Glens Falls Area

What are the causes and remedies?

A Panel Presentation with Discussion to follow at

Crandall Public Library
Community Room
251 Glen Street
Glens Falls, NY

Saturday, April 25
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

The Panel Includes:
  • Kim Cook – The Open Door
  • Kim Sopczyk – Family Service Association of Glens Falls
  • Dr. Timothy Scherbatskoy – SUNY Adirondack’s Sustainable Agriculture Initiative

Hunger poses serious economic, social, and cultural implications for our community but it can be solved if we work together. Come and join in the community conversation as we explore ideas on how to wipe out hunger in the greater Glens Falls Community.

Organized by Christ Church United Methodist

Monday, April 13, 2015

Meeting MInutes 4/9/15

  • Meeting began with round table introductions and updates of agencies

  • HEAP is now closed for the season.
  • Queensbury Senior Center is looking for any of your favorite recipes for there cookbook. Please email them to Nick George.
  • Suicide Prevention Training Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training May 20th and 21st. 8:30am-4:30pm both days. Our Lady of the Annunciation Church 448 Aviation Road Queensbury, NY  NO Cost. Lunch will be provided. Please email aemolloy5@yahoo.com to register.
  • Community Discussion on Hunger in the Glens Falls Area "What are the causes and remedies?" Will be held at the Christ Church United Methodist Corner of Bay and Washington Streets Glens Falls, NY April 25th 9:00am-11:00am
  • The Conkling Center Transportation program for those age 55 and older provides rides to social events, treatment facilities, banks, grocery stores, medical appointment for more info or to schedule a ride call 793-RIDE (7433)
  • Family Service Association of Gens Falls is having a Fundraising Cruise May 22, 2015. 5:30pm-7:30pm on the La du Saint Sacrement boarding at 5:00pm. Learn about the magnificent lake front mansions and the history they hold. Narrated by Bill Gates, renown historian.  to purchase tickets go to http://ticketriver.com/event/14672.    
Upcoming events for the Interagency:
  • Washington County Fair- If you would like to showcase your agency or business at the fair  Washington County Cornell Cooperative has a table for us to use. We are breaking it up by days and times so that you will only be manning the table for your scheduled time if you would like to participate. Please contact Linda Law-Saunders to see what times are still available for the week. Her number is 518-746-2560.
  • Health Fair at the Queensbury Senior Center will be in the fall. If you would like to have a table at that event please contact Nick George to get on the list. Email him at nick@seniorsonthego.org.
RSVP Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Warren and Washington Counties
Joanna Presented on their programs which are
Drivers for Medical Transportation
Osteobusters exercise program
Meals on Wheels
Event support
Tax Assistance Program
Office Assistance
Gardening programs
Friendly visitors
For more information on their programs and services please call (518) 743-9158 or email rsvp@tcuwny.org


Friday, April 10, 2015

Zumba Fundraiser

Join the Community Action Angels of Washington County

for a

Zumba-FUNd dancing and basket raffle event


Sunday April 26th 2015


Registration starts at 5:30pm
WHERE:  The Fun Spot
1035 US Route 9, Queensbury, NY
Dancers -$15 Donation
Kids -$5 Choice of Playground or Lazer tag
Proceeds go to help families and children in need
For more information please contact Tyler at 746-2390
If you would like to donate a basket for the basket raffle please contact Teresa DePaul and she can arrange pick up.
(518) 587-5188 ext 408 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training May 20th and 21st available

ASIST ~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 20 and 21, 2015

check in at 8:15 am ~ training is from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Location:  Our Lady of the Annunciation, 448 Aviation Rd., Queensbury, NY


This training is offered at NO COST~ pre-registration is REQUIRED

Lunch will be provided.



ASIST is a two-day intensive, practice-dominated workshop designed to help caregivers recognize and review risk, and to connect persons to professional helping resources.  It is an evidenced-based program used world-wide to create suicide safer communities (visit www.livingworks.net for more information). 


What will I learn?  ASIST prepares caregivers of all kinds to provide suicide first aid interventions. Professionals, volunteers and informal helpers all need to know how to help persons with thoughts of suicide in ways that increase their suicide safety.  As an ASIST-trained first aid intervention caregiver, you will be better able to:

·          Identify people who have thoughts of suicide

·          Understand how your beliefs and attitudes can affect suicide interventions

·          Seek a shared understanding of the person at risk’s reasons for suicidal thoughts

·          Review risk and develop a plan to increase safety from suicidal behavior for an agreed amount of time

·          Follow-up on all safety commitments, accessing further help as needed


Participation in the full two-days is required. Enjoy small group discussions and skills practice that are based upon adult learning principles; experience powerful videos on suicide intervention.  Participants will feel challenged and safe, and confident in their ability to provide suicide intervention.



Training provided at no cost with support from:

Warren-Washington Suicide Prevention Coalition    














 ASIST ~ Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 20 and 21, 2015

check in at 8:15 am ~ training is from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Location:  Our Lady of the Annunciation, 448 Aviation Rd., Queensbury, NY


This training is offered at NO COST~ pre-registration is REQUIRED

Lunch will be provided.




(CEUs may be available)







Send completed registration form to AEMOLLOY5@YAHOO.COM





Friday, March 20, 2015

Interagency Council Meeting Minutes: 3/12/15

3/12/15 Council meets second Thursday monthly @ Warren County Human Services Building, 1st floor
Interagency Council 8:30a.m. @ Warren County Human Services Building
Attendees: 18               
Cochair:  Allison Reynolds opened meeting.  We need people to step forward as leaders are needed for our 2015-2016 Interagency Council. Please contact her if interested. Position of Treasurer, Secretary, chair and Co Chair are available.  Contact:  Allison Reynolds allisonreynolds@councilforprevention.org
Rotary Walk @ Haviland Cove Park is Saturday, June 6 from 10am-4pm if you are interested in having a presence there.
Interagency Council Health Fair will be at Queensbury Senior Center 10am-1pm, Saturday, Sept. 19.
Interagency Council will have a 9 x10 foot table at Washington County Fair and agencies/people are signing up to cover time blocks. We may be able to have our information there all week instead of just when our agency is there.
Have a Heart Scholarship of 100$ each was awarded by Interagency Council Scholarship Committee to Queensbury Senior Center, SAIL, and Ryan White Program. Presenters will be photographed at next Interagency meeting for publicity.
Job Spotlight:  Catholic Charities has 2 positions open and Warren County positions are listed on county website.
Trainings/Workshops on topic of Suicide will be presented 3/25 @ SUNY ACC.  Also, on 5/20 & 21 at other location. Contact Allison for details.
Emergency HEAP:  JoAnn Zales reports these benefits are available March 13-27, 2015
This month’s presenter was Amanda Thompson, Glens Falls YMCA.  She presented on current programs available:  Splash week 4/6-10,  Applebee’s pancake breakfast 4/11, Healthy Kids Day 4/25, and annual golf classic 6/1.  They also have scholarship applications for anyone interested in applying.
April 7 is their next Senior Lunch and Learn. These are done in collaboration with GF Senior Center & The Conkling Center.  YMCA offers parenting classes, a home school program, and free teen nights.  If anyone is in need of volunteers, they have a group of members called “Togetherhood” who may be able to assist you.  They also have a bulletin board on their TV that can feature information; contact Amanda if interested.

Christ Church United Methodist will show “A Place at the Table” 3/19 @ 630pm and 3/23 @ 10am in their Chapel Lounge, Corner of Bay & Washington streets, Glens Falls.
April 9 presenter:  Courtney from Council for Prevention

On Youth Mental Health First Aid

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Safe TALK Suicide Prevention Workshop

Safe TALK Suicide Prevention Training

This 3 hour workshop alerts one to warning signs indicating risk of suicide.  The workshop

emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs, communicating with, and getting help or

resources for the person at risk.

When: Thursday February 25th, 2015

Where: Warren County Human Services Building 3rd floor Conference Room

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

Must be at least 15 years or older to attend!

Please RSVP By February 23rd 2015

Please email Allison Reynolds:



*CEU and CASAC Credits available
This training is sponsored by:
Warren and Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition.
Like us on Facebook: 

The Suicide Prevention Center of NY, OMH and the Warren Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition Is Offering a Connect Training for Postvention

The Suicide Prevention Center of New York, New York State Office of Mental Health and the Warren Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition are sponsoring a Connect Postvention workshop
Connect Training- February 24, 2015 9am-2pm
Location:  Washington County WIC Building Annex II 114 Lower Main Street Hudson Falls, NY 12839
Information and Registration:  Please RSVP by February 20th 2015 To Allison Reynolds 746-1527 or email:
Workshop and materials are free
Lunch Will Be Provided
CASAC Credits are available
Human service agencies perform a wide range of roles and functions in supporting clients and responding to community members following a suicide death. Since knowing someone who has died by suicide is one of the highest risk factors for suicide, taking steps to reduce risk and promote healing (postvention) becomes an integral part of suicide prevention efforts. Connect Postvention training is offered to social service agency staff, law enforcement, First responders, and community members who will respond to a death by suicide and take an active role in coordinating and/or responding to agency/community members in postvention efforts.

·         Knowledge of National Best Practices for social service agencies in responding to a suicide death
·         Identification of  the role of key service providers and ways to participate in and/or coordinate an integrated and effective community response to the suicide death of a client or community member
·         Knowledge of the dynamics of suicide related phenomena (contagion, pacts, cluster, copycat suicides) and the strategies for reducing this risk in the agency caseload and the greater community
·         The skills to recognize warning signs for suicide in clients or other community members after a suicide death
·         An appreciation of the complexity of suicide related grief and cultural considerations regarding suicide
·         The ability to encourage help-seeking, reduce stigma, and knowledge of concepts and resources to promote healing for survivors and communities
·         Recommendations regarding confidentiality, safe communication, language and media inquiries
·         Discussion of agency protocols and legal and ethical issues should a client die by suicide, including considerations from emergency response should the death occur on agency property to involvement with survivors
·         Information about providing appropriate support to first responders and agency staff following a client suicide

AUDIENCE: Staff and supervisors in social service agencies who are involved in developing crisis protocols and/or responding to a suicide death that impacts the agency or community.

OUTCOMES: participants will be prepared to develop local community postvention team(s) as a result of attending Connect. Technical Assistance on next steps will be discussed as part of the training.

For more information on the postvention team process contact

 Gary O’Brien at (518) 402-9488

*discipline specific workshops also available e.g. Schools, mental health etc.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Interagency Council Meeting Minutes 2/12/15

Interagency Council Meeting Minutes from 2/12/15:

Nick George presided over the meeting.

Attendees introduced themselves.

Nick brought up some alternatives to Interagency Awareness Day, typically held every year in early May:

     We have the opportunity as a council to have a table at the Washington County Fair this year, held from July 21 to July 26. However, we would need a representative manning our table on each day of the fair. That person would have the chance to set up brochures and information about their own agency. A sign-up sheet is going around.
     We also may participate in the Health Fair at the Queensbury Community Center (Queensbury Senior Center) on Sept. 19. This fair mostly caters to the needs and interests of seniors. Therefore, we are still looking at a 3rd alternative, which is to continue to partner with the Rotary Club's water walk. Their President Dave Bogue, came to talk with us today to let us know about some changes in the event this year. The Water Walk will be held on June 6, and is being held on the river front, in partnership with the Feeder Canal Alliance Canoe/Kayak Race. Dave feels that with the change of venue and other slated activities, the event will draw a larger crowd, including many families with kids, and the Interagency Council is a welcome participant. We will discuss this further at future meetings, as we get more information.

Position Open: SAIL is looking to hire a Transition Specialist based in their Queensbury office. All interested parties should direct questions/resumes to Judith McKinnon at sailmfpdirector@gmail.com.

"A Place at the Table", a movie about hunger and its economic and cultural implications for our country will be shown at Christ Church United Methodist in Glens Falls on the following dates:
2/28 at 2pm
3/8 at 1pm
3/19 at 630pm
3/23 at 10am
Before the showing on 3/8, you are invited to attend a dish-to-pass luncheon beginning at noon at the Fellowship Hall.

Guest Speaker #1 - Moira Dwyer, Director of Diversion Services/Rose House of PEOPLe, Inc.
PEOPLe, Inc is based downstate in Poughkeepsie and they are opening Rose House here in Glens Falls. Rose House is a short-term crisis residence/hospital diversion program for folks struggling with their psychiatric issues, and is fully peer-run. Length of stay is 1-5 days, with 5 days being the absolute maximum. Rose House will also take folks discharged from the hospital who are not yet ready to return home, but are safe enough to leave the inpatient unit. Guests are required to be at least 18 years of age and as there is no nursing staff or aides, able to take care of themselves. NOTE: Rose House will NOT take folks who are homeless. Guests must also bring their own food, but there is transportation available.
Moira said that the Warren Washington County Rose House should be open by the end of February 2015; she will keep us apprised of their progress.

Guest Speaker #2 - Dan Durkee of Warren County Public Health Services.
On March 12, Warren County Public Health will be conductiing a full-scale Mass Antibiotic Dispensing exercise. The purpose of this is to test Warren County's capacity to respond to a large scale disease outbreak to protect the public.
Public Health is looking for 500 volunteer participants of all ages including individuals, school groups, community groups and the general public to go through the clinic. The time frame is between 4pm-6pm on 3/12, and the clinic is being held at the Queensbury Community Center. When participants pre-register, they will sign up for a specific slot during the 4-6 time frame.

Visit https://apps.health.ny.gov/doh2/applinks/cdmspr/ to register!! This is a great way to give back to the community and learn about emergency preparedness efforts in Warren County!!

The next Interagency Council Meeting will be held on 3/12 at 830am at the Warren County Human Services Building.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Interagency Council Meeting Minutes 1/8/15

Interagency Council Meeting Minutes 1/8/15:

Discussion and sign-up sheets went around with regards to the Washington County Fair and Doing the September event. People signed up to fill spots.

January 14th 9:30am One Stop has an Orientation for people with disabilities at their location. Gail Clark 743-0925 #8879 for more information.

January 14th 5:30p Alzheimer’s association having a beginning Alzheimer’s/Dementia discussion at the Queensbury Center. 761-8224 to RSVP

Saturday January 10th 1 pm at the Queensbury Hotel there is a discussion on Food Insecurities sponsored by the American Association of University Women. Kim Sopczyk and Genny O’Brian are speaking. 

The next meeting will be held on 2/12/15 at 830am, in the Warren County Human Services Building.