Interagency Meeting Notes – 5/14/15
Sign-up Sheet – for the Queensbury Senior Center Health Fair
in the fall was sent around for interested parties. The Health Fair will be
held this year on Saturday 9/19 from 10am -1pm at the Senior Center.
The next Washington Warren Hamilton Counties Long Term Care
Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 6/17/15, from 10am-12pm, at
Hamilton County Public Health, located in Indian Lake.
Hi Peaks Hospice and Palliative Care is finalizing the
Rainbows Program, a grief program for kids that will take place over the
summer. They will get us more information as it becomes available.
Today's topic and presenter - Allison Reynolds of the Council for Prevention and the Warren Washington Suicide Prevention Coalition. Allie presented on the Coalition's mission and projects. The Coalition was made possible by a grant funded by The Mental Health Association of New York State.
The mission of the Coalition:
- Provide trainings in suicide prevention and awareness
- Provide resources to families, communities and schools
- Work to increase awareness and reduce the stigma of getting help.
- Strive to strengthen communicationand coordiantion of servicesfor those impacted by mental illness and suicide,
Suicied is the 10th leading cause of death for all Americans, and new studies show that middle aged men and women are taking their lives at a higher rate than youth. and locally, suicide deaths have increased since 2010.
What is notable for our region is that suicide rates in Warren and Washington County actually DOUBLE the state rate.
The New York State age-adjusted suicide death rate is 6.8 per 100,000. In Warren County, this rate is 12 per 100,000. In Washington County, it is 13 (source is NYS Vital Statistics Data 2008-2010).
The Coalition has many projects being accomplished, such as trainings for professionals and community members on mental health first aid and responding/recognizing suicidal talk in others. The Coalition is also working with The Coalition for the Advancement of Mental Health, The Long Term Care Council and the Hometowm vs. Heroin Coalition.
The Coalitions Goals:
-Continue to hold trainings and awareness events
-Engage more stakeholders in the community
-Continue to provide postvention in the community
-Compassionate Calling
-Primary Care Assessment and intervention
If you have any questions about the Coalition or would like to become involved, please contact Allison Reynolds at the Coucil for Prevention at 746-1527.