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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I apologize for the delay on March notes.  Thank you for your understanding.
Interagency Council

March 14, 2013

Reminder to all regarding $10 dues for those who have yet to pay.  This amount goes towards the “Have a Heart” scholarship and paying SAIL for use of the meeting area.

Criteria, standards and guidelines for the scholarship are being prepared for the April meeting.

For special events and news and meeting notes is has been proposed to have such things emailed to everyone vs just being on the blog.  Please be patient with Barbara as she is also a part of the busy SAIL staff. She will continue to post a meeting reminder and include the speaker on the blog, and will email this information out as well.  Again, patience will be appreciated.  If you notice a discrepancy in the notes you receive, please feel free to send an email to sailexecutiveassist@gmail.com or sailoutreach@gamil.com.  Errors or comments will be addressed asap.

House of Grace received the first annual “Have a Heart” scholarship.  A photo was recently posted in the Community Section of The Post Star here in Glens Falls.  House of Grace reopened on April 1.  There were several successful fundraisers for the House.  A recent fundraiser held at Sandy in Glens Falls raised $1400, organized by Shawn and Brian Kelly.

Heap closed early this year on 3/15.

Shared Housing- New Non Profit to be Advocates for elderly in sharing housing and services.  They are looking for interested people to discuss purpose, services and a prospected Board of Directors.

There was a Care Team Training on 3/20 at the Crandall Library conducted by Sandy Monahan to discuss developing Volunteer Teams.

Patti from Visiting Nurses was with us to give us a brief overview of the VNA history and services provided. Contact them at their Glenwood Ave location by calling 518-798-1450

Michele Nicholson, a SAIL Employee, and Board Member was also with us to discuss a Non Profit of another kind.  Michele is an active Board Member of The Pumpkin Fund.  A no kill Pet Advocacy Program.  This program help individuals with pet related bills when their income and resources have been depleted.  Contact Michele at SAIL if you are interested in finding out more.  They can also be found on Facebook.

Community Connections is drawing close.  This year it will be haled on May 4th at the Crandall Park on Glen Street.  Vendor Registration Fee is $25.  This fee includes one table, two chairs and lunch for two vendors.  Money is due by April 15.  See Judith McKinnon for additional details.  She can be reached at SAIL 792-3537.  There is always a Community Connections Meeting directly following Interagency Meetings.  Basket donations for raffle are always appreciated.  SAIL generously donates two or three beautiful baskets.  WorldCo is sponsoring again this year. Community Connections/Interagency appreciates their support.

Interagency Agency Update Forms are available from Judith for faxing in information you would like shared if you are not able to make a meeting.

LTCC is having a meeting on April 9th at the Glen.

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