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Monday, September 30, 2013

Meeting Minutes September 12,2013

Welcome back everyone! Thank you so much for attending the our first meeting back from the summer. We started are new season with an overview of some updates. We now have some cards that you can pick up at the meeetings to pass along to people you meet and want to invite to the meetings. We are gearing up to start the committe for the Have a Heart Scholorship. If you are interested in being in that committe please come to the next meeting to join. We will need five volunteers for the committe. If you would like to submit an application for consideration they will be due by October 31, 2013. Our presentor for September was Laura Marx from the AMerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The AFSP is a national organization that does research on understanding suicide and prevention of suicide through education and advocacy. The not for profit strives to reach out to individuals with mental disorders and those who have been impacted by suicide to provide them with resources and support. The AFSP covers sixteen counties in New York with about 60 chapters. They provide programs for youth in the school as well as doing advocacy to work with legislators to change policy. March is mental health matters day and the AFSP goes to our capital to bring awareness and reduce the stigma of suicide. They have many different prgrams and do walks and runs to build support and awareness in the community. You can contact Laura Marx with furthur questions and information at (518)-791-1544. or lmarx@afsp.org. Next Meeting October 10, 2013 at the Waren County Human Services Building from 8:30am-10:00am Speaker for next month is: Kevin O'Brien from O'Brien insurance. Who will presenting on changes to car insurance policies for seniors and how that could effect them.

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