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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Interagency Meeting Minutes 11/13/14

8:30 am Meeting started by Nick George Mission statement reviewed Community Connection Day meeting to follow Interagency Meeting Have a Heart Scholarship Application to be forwarded from Judith McKinnon to Ally. Meeting scheduled for next time.

Round table introduction of members

Speaker: Rebecca Smith, CTTS Program Coordinator for Living Tobacco-Free

Discussion about smoking cessation being offered through Glens Falls Hospital.
                Quit for Life free 4 week program @ the C.R. Wood Cancer Center offered 4 times a year along with individual counseling. Contact Paul Miller
                Butt Kickers-Smoking Cessation support group for anyone who has or is thinking about quitting tobacco Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month @
6p in the Cancer                               Center Library. No pre-registration
                Building Healthy Communities-through Glens Falls Hospital works to improve the health and well-being of the people and communities in our region.
                Reality Check is directed toward youth. To realize the way teens are being marketed towards and to get teens to be a positive role model to their peers.
                Nov. 20th is the Great American Smoke Out at SUNY Adirondack

*Interesting facts- In Warren, Washington, Clinton, and Essex Counties smokers are on the rise in rural communities. Individuals suffering from some sort of mental illness account for 1 out of every 3 cigarettes that are smoked.

Code Blue- Open Door Website has a list of fundraisers that are going on to support the mission of the Code Blue Emergency Shelter. The Kick off starts November 15th with Stuff a Truck. Please visit Open Doors website for more information.

Genny Obrien spoke about SNAP/HEAP benefits registrations being completed on-line. Experienced some difficulty with trying to apply for SNAP and HEAP with the same application when HEAP starts. Recommends people to fill out form twice. Once for HEAP and once for SNAP to make sure information gets processed. Encourages registrants to write down Application Number.

JoAnn Zales spoke about HEAP opening on Monday 11/17 for primary benefits.
Emergency Benefits do not start until January. May apply on-line. JoAnn handed out a Home Energy Assistance Program Desk Guide as a reference along with a Care and Share Energy fund hand out.

Susan Dornan spoke about Caring for Ourselves-Caregiver support group.
Reminded everyone about Long term Care Council Meeting Dec.9th from 10a-noon.

Kim Sopczyk talked about Gift Back evening being held at Crandall Library on December 5th and 6th. Attendees can purchase gifts in the form of donations to give to loved ones whom have everything. Example $16 donated can purchase 100 lbs of food. There is also a SOCK DRIVE being done by Cornell Cooperative Extension and 4H to benefit those people who are in need of socks and shoes this winter.

Kathy Wallace spoke about Community Health Insurance Nov 15th SAIL will be open to help individuals fill out open enrollment applications. November 11th and November 24th SAIL is offering an education/meeting with a lawyer to discuss decision making. November 11th is based on Medicaid and November 24th is Advanced Directives, wills and such.

Nick George spoke about Basket Raffle going on November 15th at the Senior Center. November 25th is Adopt a Senior @ Queensbury Center.

Sue Gililngham reminded everyone about the raffle tickets for the Vacation to St. Maarten in April. Drawing is December 10th.

Meeting closed at 9:40am.
  - Special Thanks to Sue Gilllingham for taking these minutes!

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